Lily 's Timeline

My Photo
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

I am married, and love spending time with my family including my twin nephews and Niece. I enjoy doing crafts. I have started on a 100 Wishes Quilt.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


December 21, 2005 - Today we had our first meeting with our adoption agency. Received our binder full of homework.

January 4, 06 - January 31 - started working on our binder. Had our police checks done. Applied for our certified copies of our birth certificates and marraige licence.

February 21/06 - March 2 Had our medicals done.

April 5/06 - Finished working on the binder and had our First meeting with Adoption Options. Signed off on some paperwork.

April 18/06 - met with our Social Worker, discussed our need to be parents. Talked about our life and background.

April 24/06 - Had our home visit with the Social worker. Everything went smoothlywith our homestudy. She was very happy with our homelife.

May 15/06 - Final Adoption meeting. Signed off on our homestudy.

May 16/06 Dossier sent for Provincial approval.

May 31/06 Approval from Province and sent to FOI.

July 5/06 - Email received from FOI saying our dossier was complete and ready to send back to our agency.

July 7/06 - Dossier arrived back to our agency today. Brought in Money Orders and paid 1st installment to FOI.

July 10/06 - Dossier being sent to Province for their endorsement and couriering out to China.

July 14/06 - DTC dossier sent to China.

July 17/06 - Dossier arrieve in China. Waiting for our LID.

August 9/06 - Logged in at CCAA in China, now the countdown starts.